martedì 29 novembre 2011

Parker's Crossroads - dal racconto di John Shaffner

"It seems that the Germans had come closer each time our perimeter got smaller, and were ready to end it. The fog would roll in and out giving us limited visibility. I would fire at anything I saw moving around in range of my hole. This weather was tough on use but I think it was to our advantage from a defensive point of view. I m sure our enemy was not able to determine exactly what he had to overcome to take the crossroads. Whenever he came into view we would drive him back into the fog. Our ammunition was running out. I had one clip of carbine rounds and could find no more. Word had come around that when the ammo ran out and the Germans came it would be every man for himself to escape if you could otherwise a surrender was prudent. We were apparently surrounded but the Germans were taking the easiest route, the hard surface roads. That left the fields open."

Da: JOHN SCHAFFNER 23/12/1944


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